Key Benefits of Direct Maail
Direct Mail is still one of the most effective advertising mediums around.
Cost Effective
Choose Many Sizes
Everyone Has A Mailbox
Direct Mail Builds Value
Are you considering a direct mail campaign for your business, but not sure if it’s worth the investment? PMG will help guide you through the process and understand, that even with the wide range of digital advertising platforms available today, the benefits of direct mail marketing make it an appealing and extremely viable option. Since everyone has a mailbox, your message is sure to be seen.
Direct mail has better response rates, greater return, and highly innovative creative design opportunities when compared to online efforts, and should be a key component of any marketing campaign.
Direct Mail is the number one direct marketing method used by marketers:
- Despite many changes in to the U.S. economy over the past few years, Direct Mail continues to be to most popular advertising choice used.
- In 2019, American Businesses spent more than $271 billion in advertising dollars. 32% or $56.6 billion was spent on Direct Mail.
- Direct Mail is flexible and effective for new acquisition and loyalty strategies
- The effectiveness of direct mail is measurable and targeted, more so than any other media.
Why Direct Mail Works:
- Everyone has a mailbox
- 83% of all shoppers make their buying decisions before entering the store
- 64% of all consumers are examining their mail more carefully for promotional offers than 1 year ago.
- 73% of households either read or scan advertising mail sent to their household
- Mailed directly to customers, prospects, members, donors…
- Designed to accomplish the goals of a business or organization
What is the most important
part of any advertising?
- A Call to Action!!!
- Design your mail piece to move your customer into an active role
- Postcards can become their own coupon or ticket
- Include coupons or tickets in letters and flats
- Include links or specific customer codes that can activate special offers on your website, specifically

Frequently Asked Questions
Why Use Dirct Mail?
1. Direct Mail is flexible and effective for new acquisition and loyalty strategies
2. The effectiveness of direct mail is measurable and targeted, more so than any other media.
3. Everyone has a mailbox
4. 73% of all people prefer direct mail for new products compared to 18% who prefer email.
Why Direct Mail Works!
1. 83% of all shoppers make their buying decisions before entering the store
2. 64% of all consumers are examining their mail more carefully for promotional offers than 1 year ago.
3. 73% of households either read or scan advertising mail sent to their household
4. Mailed directly to customers, prospects, members, donors…
5. Designed to accomplish the goals of a business or organization
Do Consumers Really Use Direct Mail
79% of all households either read or scan advertising mail pieces sent to the through direct mail.
What is my most imortant part of advertising?
A call to action.
Design your mail piece to move your customer into an active role
• Postcards can become their own coupon or ticket
• Include coupons or tickets in letters and flats
• Include links or specific customer codes that can activate special
offers on your website, specifically